Welcome to our Stock Photo Library
These images are designated for use only by the Town of Seabrook Island (TOSI), Seabrook Island Property Owners Assoc.(SIPOA), and Seabrook Island Club (SIC) to copy and use in their publications, other social media and communications.
These images are not available for any other person(s) to copy without written permission from Seabrook Island Photography Club.
These images are designated for use only by the Town of Seabrook Island (TOSI), Seabrook Island Property Owners Assoc.(SIPOA), and Seabrook Island Club (SIC) to copy and use in their publications, other social media and communications.
These images are not available for any other person(s) to copy without written permission from Seabrook Island Photography Club.
How to copy Stock Photo Library images to your files
1. Select the photo image you want to copy from the Library with your pointer
2. If you hover your curser over the image it will display a number and should display the photographer's name.
3. Right click your mouse or selector on the photo and select the "save image as" option from menu
4. Select the file or location on your computer where you want to save the photo and hit save
5. The photo is ready for your use on your computer
6. The photographers name should be imbedded in the photo file name
7. These photos have been compressed, but are large enough files for posting on social media and emailed communications.
If you need a larger image file for printing
1. If you need a larger image file for print publications, please note the gallery name, the title of the sub gallery (if used), the photo number and photographers name if available.
2. Email that information to me at my email noted below and I will send you a copy of the original photo file by WeTransfer.
If you have any questions please contact Bill Breunsbach ([email protected])
1. Select the photo image you want to copy from the Library with your pointer
2. If you hover your curser over the image it will display a number and should display the photographer's name.
3. Right click your mouse or selector on the photo and select the "save image as" option from menu
4. Select the file or location on your computer where you want to save the photo and hit save
5. The photo is ready for your use on your computer
6. The photographers name should be imbedded in the photo file name
7. These photos have been compressed, but are large enough files for posting on social media and emailed communications.
If you need a larger image file for printing
1. If you need a larger image file for print publications, please note the gallery name, the title of the sub gallery (if used), the photo number and photographers name if available.
2. Email that information to me at my email noted below and I will send you a copy of the original photo file by WeTransfer.
If you have any questions please contact Bill Breunsbach ([email protected])